2022.10 Our article has been published on "Analytical
Chemistry" of the American Chemical Society. The first author is Dr.
S. L. Madunil. Our work is also featured on the front cover !!

2022.6 A Doctoral Student, Ms. Lu Wen was selected for Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Kyushu Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Researchersty. Congratulations!
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2021.10.16-17 Our members made four presentation, including a Keynote lecture and anInvited lecture, at the Asinan Conference on Analytical Science 2021(ASIANALYSIS XV), which the organaizer is Prof. Kung-Chuen Lin from National Taiwan Univreisty.
2021. 10 A Doctoral Student, Ms. Lu Wen was accepted for the scholorship named "Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation(SPRING) " for her achievement, which only excellent students can receive.
2021.5 We made a presentation on CLEO 2021(International Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics) spnsored by The
Optical Society (OSA), American Physical Society (APS), IEEEPhotonics Society.
2021.3 T. Ju, K. Yoshinaga, T. Imasaka, H. Nakamura,and T. Imasaka made
a presentation on the Pittcon 2021.
2021.1 T. Imasaka, S.L.Madunil, L. Wen, K.Yoshinaga, T. Imasaka made an
Invited Lectureon The 41st Annual Meeting of the Laser Society of Japan.
2020.9 Doctoral students, S.L.Madunil and L. Wen, and a technical staff,
K. Yoshinaga made presentations on The 69th Annual Meeting of The Japan
Society for Analytical Chesmitry.
2020.7 A Doctoral Student, Ms. Lu Wen was awarded "the Graduate School
Research Scholarship of Kyushu University", which only excellent students
can receive, for her achievement.
2020.7 Our article has been published on "Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry" of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. The first author
is Mr. T.D. Phan from Viet Nam. Our work is featured on the front cover

2020.5 Our article has been published on "Analytical Chemistry" of American Chemical Society. The first author is a graduate, Dr. Nakano! Our work is featured on the front cover !!

2020.2.7 Our article has been published on "Analyst" of The Royal Society of Chemistry. The first author is our doctrate student, Mr. S. L. Madunil! Our work is featured on the front cover !!

2020.1.7 Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi from ETH-Zurich visited our laboratory by Progress 100 project.
2019. Our proposal to the Grant of Progress 100 project for Kyushu University, Invitation program for top global researchers, has been approved!
Reperesentative: Tomoko Imasaka
Project: International Academic and Educational Exchanges with TOP 4 Universities
for Scientific Measurement Technology -National Taiwan University, National
University of Singapore, Technische Universität München, ETH Zurich-
Grant amount: ca. $90,000 a year, two-years project
2019.9.5 Ms. Wen Lu passed the examination for Doctoral Course and she
will come to our laboratory since October. Congratulation!!
2019. 7.4 The 16th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry.
Tomoko Imasaka and Totaro Imasaka were invited to the conference.
・T. Imasaka, T. Imasaka, Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometry -Basic Principles
and Applications-. (Plenary Lecture)
・T, Imasaka, M. L. Siddihalu, T. Imasaka, Spectroscopic Properties of “Novichok”
Theoretically Calculated for Gas Chromatography/Femtosecond Ionization
Mass Spectrometry. (Invited Lecture)
2019.5.28 The 2019 National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)-Kyushu Univeristy Joint
Forum on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research and Education
・T. Imasaka, T. Imasaka, Femtosecond Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Application
to Forensic Science. (Invited Talk)
・T. Imasaka, L. M. Siddihalu, T. Imasaka, Study on Photoionization Process
in Mass Spectrometry Based on Quantum Chemical Calculation. (Iinvited Talk)
2019.5.19 The79th Analytical Chemistry Conferenceheld by Japan Society of Analytical Chemistry. Doctoral course student,
Mr. Siddihalu Lakshitha Madunil made the oral presentation!
・M. L. Siddihalu, T. Imasaka, T. Imasaka, Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
of highly-toxic organochlorine pesticides using an ultraviolet femtosecond
laser as an ionization source
2019.1.10 The 49th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, U.S.
・T. P. Dinh, ・D. Vu, H. Nakamura, A. Li, T. Imasaka, T. Imasaka, Generation
of a Vacuum-Ultraviolet Femtosecond Pulse via Four-Wave Raman Mixing and
its Application to Mass Spectrometry.(Invited Speaker)
・T. Imasaka, T. Imasaka, How can we detect “Novichok”?
・M. L. Siddihalu, T. Imasaka, and T. Imasaka, An Ultrashort Ultraviolet
Optical Pulse for Ionization of Pesticides in Multiphoton Ionization Mass
2018.10.22 An international symposium, “Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal
University for International Collaboration” Symposium: Symposium on Education and Research for International Collaboration between
Kyushu University and National Taiwan Normal University (Inamori Hall,
Kyushu University), which was presided by Tomoko Imasaka, and sponsered by Progress100, KyushuUniversity.
The participants from National Taiwan Normal University are 33 researchers
including President Chen Chih Wu and Executive Vice President Ying, Dean
Chen. And the participants from Kyushu University are 29 researchers including
President Kubo,Vice President Watanabe, Dean Hisaeda. During the symposium,
Signing Ceremony for the University-wide Agreement between Kyushu University
and National Taiwan Normal University was also held.
At the international symposium, researchers from Faculty of Science, Faculty
of Engineering, Faculty of Education, Institute for Materials Chemistry
and Engineering, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Faculty of Design
of Kyushu University attended and made the presentations concerning with
various fields such as science, engineering,education and so on.
The Signing Ceremony for the University-wide Agreement between Kyushu University
and National Taiwan Normal University is introduced in detail on the official
website of Taiwan Normal University as well as Kyushu University